How to Repurpose Your Content

How to Repurpose Your Content: An Empowering Guide for Marketers

Impress your boss and advance in your business career by learning this concept, “Content creation and promotion is an investment strategy for your organization to generate more leads and sales!” If you believe in this concept or want to learn more about it, you’ll love this guide that was developed as a valuable Content Repurposing …

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63 Top Tactics to Promote Your Blog Posts

63 Top Tactics to Promote Your Blog Posts

Imagine if the most beautiful painting ever created to inspire others was hanging in an art gallery with no roads leading to the location, no doors for visitors to enter and no lights to see the masterpiece… just a dark, desolate gallery. When you create a blog post without a promotion strategy, you’re denying access …

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What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing? A Beginner’s Guide to Fast Success

Imagine if our world was filled with pushy salespeople telling you about their products⁠—located in every store, digitally popping up on websites and in apps, and even knocking on your front door. That negative impression in your head is the opposite of what you want to achieve with Content Marketing. Welcome to a Beginner’s Guide …

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How to Make an Infographic

How to Plan, Make and Promote an Infographic

Content marketing is an investment strategy where you want to generate more future revenue than the cost to create the content. One of the best long-term investments is an infographic—information graphic that presents complex data in an easy-to-understand format using images and charts with minimal text. Since it can become a viral sensation for years, …

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How to Create a Buyer Persona

How to Create a Buyer Persona to Improve Your Content Marketing

Pinpoint accuracy gets results… whether it’s during a game of darts, a water balloon fight, pitching on a baseball team, or leading your content marketing team. To excel with your accuracy (also known as targeting), you must invest some time in planning, practicing and making improvements. With regards to content marketing, one of the best …

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